Zápletka dalšího humoristického příběhu anglického spisovatele P. G.Wodehouse se točí, jak jinak, kolem Dívky v modrém. Není to ovšem nic jiného než ...viac o knihe
Humoristický román Velké peníze se do jisté míry vymyká z profilu typického Wodehouse.
Snad proto, že byl napsán v době hospodářské krize po roce 1929 ...viac o knihe
Jsou knihy, při jejichž čtení by člověk nevěřil, že může být jinak než hezky slunečno, s nebem do modra. A taková jsou všechna díla P.G.Wodehouse. Jméno ...viac o knihe
Další humorný román oblíbeného P. G. Wodehouse v překladu Ivana Vávry o záměně dvou amerických sester, které se rozhodly hledat štěstí ve společnosti ...viac o knihe
Účinkuji: Jiří Suchý, Lukáš Hlavica, Klára Sedláčková-Oltová, Jaromír Dulava, Tomáš Havlínek, Tereza Dočkalová, Miroslav Táborský
„Když ...viac o knihe
Introduces us to Jeeves, whose first ever duty is to cure Bertie's raging hangover ('If you would drink this, sir... it is a little preparation of my own invention. It is ...viac o knihe
A classic collection of linked stories featuring some of the funniest episodes in the life of Bertie Wooster, gentleman, and Jeeves, his gentleman's gentleman - in which ...viac o knihe
Young Jerry West has a few problems. Although already engaged, Jerry has just fallen in love with the wonderful Jane Hunnicutt, whom he's just met on jury service. But she's ...viac o knihe
Gussie Fink-Nottle's knowledge of the common newt is unparalleled. Drop him in a pond of newts and his behaviour will be exemplary, but introduce him to a girl and watch ...viac o knihe
The valet, Jeeves resigns over Bertie's dedicated but somewhat untuneful playing of the banjo. In high dudgeon, Bertie disappears to the country as a guest of his chum ...viac o knihe
When Bertie Wooster goes to Totleigh Towers to pour oil on the troubled waters of a lovers' breach between Madeline Bassett and Gussie Fink-Nottle, he isn't expecting ...viac o knihe
A collection of Jeeves stories, every one a winner, in which Jeeves endeavours to give satisfaction: by saving a grumpy cabinet minister from being marooned and attacked ...viac o knihe
Bertie Wooster looks pretty stylish in his new Tyrolean hat - or so he thinks: others, notably Jeeves, disagree. But when Bertie embarks on an errand of mercy to Totleigh ...viac o knihe
Bertie Wooster is puzzled. He has no recollection of Roberta Wickham ever accepting his marriage offer. He knows that it will take every last drop of the daredevil Wooster ...viac o knihe
When a chap is short of a crust -- and in love, to boot -- he's usually willing to embark on any money-making venture suggested...even if it means ransacking a lady's bedroom ...viac o knihe