Román Na ceste spôsobil v Amerike konca päťdesiatych rokov kultúrny výbuch a Jack Kerouac sa stal ikonou novej, spontánnej a odtabuizovanej literatúry. Legendárna ...viac o knihe
More je môj brat je vzburou jednotlivca voči obmedzeniam ľudskej spoločnosti a jej krutým zákonitostiam a bolestiam. Wesley Martin, hlavný hrdina, miluje more ...viac o knihe
Pôvodné redaktormi a samotným autorom neupravované znenie legendárnej knihy – biblie celej beat generation. Text písal Kerouac na dlhý zvitok papiera, aby ...viac o knihe
Stejně jako film padesátých let měl svého Jamese Deana a Marlona Branda a populární hudba Elvise Presleyho, měla americká próza onoho období Jacka Kerouaka ...viac o knihe
In 1944, twenty-two year old Jack Kerouac lost a novella-length manuscript called The Haunted Life. It turned up thirteen years later in a Columbia University dormitory ...viac o knihe
On the Road chronicles Jack Kerouac's years traveling the North American continent with his friend Neal Cassady, -a sideburned hero of the snowy West.- As -Sal Paradise- ...viac o knihe
Five decades after it was first published, Jack Kerouac's seminal Beat novel On the Road finally finds its way to the big screen, in a production from award-winning director ...viac o knihe
'It is the sum of myself, as far as the written word can go' Kerouac on THE TOWN AND THE CITY Kerouac's debut novel is a great coming of age story which can be read as the essential ...viac o knihe
The Haunted Life is the coming-of-age story of Peter Martin, a college track star determined to idle away what he knows will be one of his last innocent summers in his tranquil ...viac o knihe
The Subterraneans haunt the bars and clubs of San Francisco, surviving on a diet of booze and benzedrine, Proust and Verlaine. Living amongst them is Leo, an aspiring writer ...viac o knihe
A tale of teenage romance in New England. It features the story of Jack and Maggie who are in love with the idea of being in love, looking ahead to marriage with hope and trepidation ...viac o knihe
Jack Kerouac called Doctor Sax, the enigmatic figure who haunted his boyhood imagination, 'my ghost, personal angel, private shadow, secret lover'. In this extraordinary ...viac o knihe
In 1960 Jack Kerouac was near breaking point. Driven mad by constant press attention in the wake of the publication of On the Road, he needed to get away to solitude again ...viac o knihe