Harry Hole, drunkard, loner and brilliant detective is reassigned to surveillance after a high profile mistake.
He’s bored by his new job until a report of a rare and ...viac o knihe
Harry Hole is back and this time he's back from very, very far away. Another gripping instalment in this prize-winning and acclaimed series by the internationally #1 bestselling ...viac o knihe
The murder has been solved. But has justice been done? Harry Hole is back in Oslo. He's been away for some time, but his ghosts have a way of catching up with him. The case that ...viac o knihe
The night the first snow falls a young boy wakes to find his mother gone. He walks through the silent house, but finds only wet footprints on the stairs. In the garden looms ...viac o knihe
To nejlepší ze světové krimi.
Není co dodat.
Co napsat o knize, do níž jsou zařazeny krimipovídky od šestatřiceti mistrů tohoto žánru? Snad jen pár ...viac o knihe
Soon to be a major motion picture starring Michael Fassbender. OVER 30 MILLION BOOKS SOLD WORLDWIDE. THE FIRST SNOW WILL COME. A young boy wakes to find his mother missing ...viac o knihe
V sedmdesátých letech 20. století se na dalekém severu Norska usadili příslušníci laestadiánského hnutí. Jejich domovem se stala opuštěná vesnice ...viac o knihe
THERE'S A NEW KILLER ON THE STREETS. A woman is found murdered after an internet date. The marks left on her body show the police that they are dealing with a particularly ...viac o knihe
OVER 30 MILLION BOOKS SOLD WORLDWIDE. SONNY'S ON THE RUN. Sonny is a model prisoner. He listens to the confessions of other inmates, and absolves them of their sins. HE'S ...viac o knihe
V Osle napadol prvý sneh. Jonas ráno vstane a zistí, že jeho matka zmizla. Ostane po nej jediná stopa – ružový šál, čo jej daroval na Vianoce. Má ho na krku snehuliak ...viac o knihe
The night the first snow falls a young boy wakes to find his mother gone. He walks through the silent house, but finds only wet footprints on the stairs. In the garden looms ...viac o knihe
V spustnutom priemyselnom meste kdesi na severe prekvitá v sedemdesiatych rokoch dvadsiateho storočia len obchod s drogami, hazard a korupcia. Iba chátrajúca ...viac o knihe
Set in a dark, rainy northern town, Nesbo's Macbeth pits the ambitions of a corrupt policeman against loyal colleagues, a drug-depraved underworld and the pull of childhood ...viac o knihe
Noël a Oslo. L'Armée du Salut met les bouchées doubles pour venir en aide aux exclus de la ville. Afin de récolter des fonds, les membres de l'association ont décidé ...viac o knihe