A carefully graded series of retold versions of popular classic and contemporary titles and specially written stories continue to grow and there are now over 170 titles ...viac o knihe
zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B2 - Upper-Intermediate, slovní zásoba 2 200 slov) ...viac o knihe
Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful politician and an honest man. He is an ideal husband for the beautiful and serious Lady Chiltern. But somebody knows a dangerous secret ...viac o knihe
Portret Doriana Greya Oskara Uayl'da, srazu po vykhode v svet (1890) sniskavshiy skandal'nuyu slavu i vyzvavshiy raznorechivyye otsenki sovremennikov, stal literaturnym ...viac o knihe
The richness of Oscar Wilde's way with words and ideas is given full range in this sparkling collection of short stories written between 1887 and 1891. From the comic tales ...viac o knihe
Oscar Wildes Dorian Gray ist eine der berühmtesten Figuren der Weltliteratur: So stauneswert schön er ist, so unverdorben und naiv ist sein Blick auf die Welt. Verführt ...viac o knihe
A pleasure seeking prince, a selfish giant, and more: Wilde's fairy tales, first published in 1888, for childlike people from eighteen to eighty ...viac o knihe
When the Americans Mr and Mrs Otis and their four children move into Canterville Chase, its previous occupant Lord Canterville warns them that the ghost of his ancestor ...viac o knihe
Classic / British EnglishAn artist paints a picture of the young and handsome Dorian Gray. When he sees it, Dorian makes a wish that changes his life. As he grows older, his ...viac o knihe
Calling on diverse examples from Ancient Greek sculpture to contemporary paintings, this title creates a witty, paradoxical world in which the only art worth loving ...viac o knihe
Includes plays such as -Lady Windermere's Fan-, -Salome-, -A Woman of No Importance-, -An Ideal Husband-, -A Florentine Tragedy- and -The Importance of Being Earnest- ...viac o knihe
When the Selfish Giant builds a high wall round his lovely garden to keep the children out, the North Wind blows, the Frost comes and the Snow dances through the trees. The ...viac o knihe
Fairy tales, ghost stories, detective fiction and comedies of manners - the stories collected in this volume made Oscar Wilde's name as a writer of fiction, showing skill ...viac o knihe
These special fairy tales, which Oscar Wilde made up for his own sons, include -The Happy Prince-, who was not as happy as he seemed; -The Selfish Giant-, who learned to love ...viac o knihe
Enthralled by his own exquisite portrait, Dorian Gray exchanges his soul for eternal youth and beauty. Influenced by his friend Lord Henry Wotton, he is drawn into a corrupt ...viac o knihe