Knihy Umberta Eca patrili od začiatku medzi naše najobľúbenejšie a najúspšnejšie. Aj preto si pri príležitosti 25. narodenín Vydavateľstva SLOVART pripomíname ...viac o knihe
1945, Lake Como. Mussolini and his mistress are captured and shot by local partisans. The precise circumstances of Il Duce’s death remain shrouded in confusion and ...viac o knihe
Nineteenth-century Europe abounds with conspiracy both ghastly and mysterious. Jesuits plot against Freemasons. Italian priests are strangled with their own intestines ...viac o knihe
Yambo, a sixty-ish rare book dealer who lives in Milan has suffered a loss of memory; not the kind of memory neurologists call 'semantic' (Yambo remembers all about Julius ...viac o knihe
Set in the 17th century, in Italy, France and on the high seas, this is a tale of medieval legends and dastardly deeds, mixed with portions of exploration literature. Roberto ...viac o knihe
Nineteenth-century Europe, from Turin to Prague to Paris, abounds with the ghastly and the mysterious. Conspiracies rule history. Jesuits plot against Freemasons ...viac o knihe
These days it is impossible to get away from discussions of whether the book will survive the digital revolution. This book presents conversations in which Jean-Claude ...viac o knihe
The new novel -zero room- is a comprehensive study of how the MEDIA works. The pilot project starts in Milan newspaper, which should be another tool of political influence-for ...viac o knihe
Los perdedores y los autodidactas siempre saben mucho mas que los ganadores. Si quieres ganar, tienes que concentrarte en un solo objetivo, y mas te vale no perder el tiempo ...viac o knihe
La novela emblematica de Umberto Eco Valiendose de las caracteristicas propias de la novela gotica, la cronica medieval y la novela policiaca, El nombre de la rosa narra ...viac o knihe
Der englische Franziskanermönch William von Baskerville ist in einer delikaten politischen Mission unterwegs in eine italienische Benediktinerabtei. Dort gerät ...viac o knihe
Das Paris der Belle Epoque ist eine brodelnde Stadt, in der Geheimbünde und Verschwörer, Freimaurer und Antisemiten, Spione und Geheimpolizisten ihr dunkles Spiel ...viac o knihe