Dom návštev je zvláštna súčasť pracovného tábora, v ktorom sa vybraní väzni mohli na jednu noc stretnúť so svojimi manželkami. Martin Amis vytvára komorný ...viac o knihe
Kontroverzní sbírka esejů a povídek věčného britského stylisty Martina Amise, které vycházely v letech 2001-2008 v předních britských a amerických ...viac o knihe
Poslední román Martina Amise se vrací do období stalinské hrůzovlády. Jeho hlavními protagonisty jsou dva bratři, anonymní vypravěč a Lev, kteří jsou ...viac o knihe
Praktický vreckový sprievodca vás dovedie priamo k tomu najlepšiemu, čo ponúka Londýn. Sú tu desiatky tipov: najvýznamnejšie múzeá a galérie, najnádhernejšie ...viac o knihe
Tak hele. Jsi fajn, ale snadno ochočitelná a prázdná, umíš se jen uculovat a tvoje osobnost není ničím víc než jen shlukem dívčích přetvářek, okouzlujících ...viac o knihe
There were conjugal visits in the slave camps of the USSR. Valiant women would travel continental distances, over weeks and months, in the hope of spending a night, with ...viac o knihe
Gregory leads an existence of formidable foppishness, his days and nights a series of effortless, titillating conquests. His foster brother, Terry, has to make do with ...viac o knihe
An Italian poolside, Summer, 1970. Sex is very much on everyone's mind. The girls are acting like boys and the boys are going on acting like boys. Keith Nearing - a bookish ...viac o knihe
Detective Hoolihan, a policewoman, a police in cop parlance, begins to investigate the death of Jennifer. The evidence swings towards suicide - the gun in her hand, the ...viac o knihe
Addresses itself to the central lacuna of twentieth century thought: the indulgence of communism by intellectuals of the West. In between the personal beginning and ...viac o knihe
A collection of short stories of the author including -In the Place of the End- and -The Last Days of Muhammad Atta-, and essays and reviews ...viac o knihe
The narrator, Samson Young, enters the Black Cross, a thoroughly undesirable public house, and finds the main players of his drama assembled, just waiting to begin. It's ...viac o knihe
Lionel Asbo - a very violent but not very successful young criminal - is going about his morning duties in a London prison when he learns that he has just won GBP139,999,999.50 ...viac o knihe
This book is short listed for the 2015 Walter Scott Prize -Surely his masterpiece...Intelligent, terrifying and comic...Amis has tackled the biggest questions with ...viac o knihe
Of all the great novelists writing today, none shows the same gift as Martin Amis for writing non-fiction - his essays, literary criticism and journalism are justly acclaimed ...viac o knihe