Máte pocit, že vaše firma je jeden velký blázinec a vaši kolegové to nemůžou mít v hlavě v pořádku? Joshua Ferris vás ve své prvotině pomocí svého osobitého ...viac o knihe
Introducing Paul O'Rourke: New Yorker, dentist and reluctant non-believer. Modern life disappoints him, and love never solves any of his problems. Then someone steals ...viac o knihe
Paul O’Rourke má slušnou zubařskou praxi a k ní ještě slušnější krizi středního věku. Anebo, řečeno jednodušeji, neví, co sám se sebou: nesnáší ...viac o knihe
'He reflected in future retrospect on the evening and foretold every gesture, every word. -I can't do it,- he said. -I can predict everything that will happen from the moment ...viac o knihe
'He reflected in future retrospect on the evening and foretold every gesture, every word. -I can't do it,- he said. -I can predict everything that will happen from the moment ...viac o knihe
Charlie Barnes is a mid-century man devoted to his newspaper and his landline. But Charlie is about to get dragged into our troubled age by his storyteller son, who has a ...viac o knihe