Cool. Balanced. Modern. The precisions of science, the wild variance of lust, the catharsis of confession and the fear of failure - these are things that happen in the Glass ...viac o knihe
The past is another country and we are all its exiles. Banished forever, we look back in fascination and wonder at this mysterious land. Who were the people who populated ...viac o knihe
SHORTLISTED FOR THE WALTER SCOTT PRIZE FOR HISTORICAL FICTION'Utterly absorbing, cleverly constructed and beautifully written' The Times'Moving and exhilarating' ...viac o knihe
Román inspirovaný skutečným osudem vily Tugendhat, který zaujme od první věty. Na pozadí příběhu jejích majitelů zrcadlí tragédii celého českého ...viac o knihe
Římskokatolický kněz prožívá krizi víry ve stejné době, kdy se zamiluje do vdané ženy. Poblíž Jeruzaléma najdou archeologové svitek, který, pokud ...viac o knihe
An irresistible narrative of courage and endeavour. A story that captures nature at its most beautiful and most brutal and which unlocks the intricacies at the heart of ...viac o knihe
The wonderful new novel from the Man Booker Prize shortlisted author of THE GLASS ROOM
Marian Sutro is an outsider: the daughter of a diplomat, brought up on the shores ...viac o knihe
A brilliant Cold War spy story from the Man Booker shortlisted author of The Glass Room
Marian Sutro has survived Ravensbruck and is back in dreary 1950s London trying ...viac o knihe
Marian je napůl Angličanka a napůl Francouzka: zkrátka ideální adeptka pro britský výsadek ve Francii za 2. světové války. Roku 1943 ji po náročném výcviku ...viac o knihe
Pokračování audioknihy Dívka, která spadla z nebe.
Marian Sutrová, jedna z mála přeživších agentů Velitelství zvláštních operací, čelila zatčení ...viac o knihe
It's the summer of 1968, the year of love and hate, of Prague Spring and Cold War winter. Two English students, Ellie and James, set off to hitch-hike across Europe with no ...viac o knihe
En 1929, la pareja formada por Viktor y Liesel Landauer encarga, durante su luna de miel, la construcción de su nuevo hogar en Checoslovaquia al célebre arquitecto austriaco ...viac o knihe
Amongst the ancient papyri of the Dead Sea, a remarkable scroll is discovered. Written in the first century AD, it purports to be the true account of the life of Jesus, as ...viac o knihe
Like his great-great-great uncle, the early geneticist Gregor Mendel, Dr Benedict Lambert is struggling to unlock the secrets of heredity. But for Benedict the mission ...viac o knihe
A brilliant cold war spy story from the Man Booker shortlisted author of The Glass Room, continuing the story of Marian Sutro from The Girl Who Fell From the Sky ...viac o knihe