Sartrov román Hnus predstavuje prvý priemet nového filozofického prúdu - ateistického existencionalizmu - do francúzskej umeleckej literatúry. Vznikol ...viac o knihe
Sešity z podivné války (září 1939--březen 1940) francouzského spisovatele a existenciálního filosofa Jeana-Paula Sartra (1905--1980) vycházejí u ...viac o knihe
Napriek tomu, že Jean Paul Sartre bez pochýb patrí medzi najvýznamnejších mysliteľov 20. storočia, jeho prítomnosť v slovenskom literárnom a prekladovom ...viac o knihe
Mathieu Delarue, a philosophy teacher, has so far managed to contain sex and personal freedom in separate compartments. But now he is in trouble, trying to raise 4,000 ...viac o knihe
One of Sartre's most important pieces of writing, Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions not only anticipates but argues many of the ideas to be found in his famous Being and ...viac o knihe
Nausea is the story of Antoine Roquentin, a French writer who is horrified at his own existence. In impressionistic, diary form he ruthlessly catalogs his every feeling ...viac o knihe
After his father's early death Jean-Paul Sartre was brought up at his grandfather's home in a world even then eighty years out of date. This work provides background to ...viac o knihe
Four seminal plays by one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century.
An existential portrayal of Hell in Sartre's best-known play, as well as three other ...viac o knihe