The first complete translation of a classic Buddhist texton the journey through living and dying Graced with opening words by His Holiness The Dalai Lama, the Penguin ...viac o knihe
Kniha citátů Jeho Svatosti Dalajlamy, který si získal celý svět svou odvahou a moudrostí. V této malé knížce vám nabízí svůj pohled na buddhismus, nejrychleji ...viac o knihe
In 1999 His Holiness The Dalai Lama published the bestselling -Ancient Wisdom: Modern World-, which addressed the question of ethics for the new millennium. A decade ...viac o knihe
His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, offers practical views on meditation: how to do it; the different procedures; and what we can gain from it. He explains how we can develop a ...viac o knihe
The Dalai Lama advises us to gain familiarity with the process and practices of death so that when we are physically weak, our minds can still be focused in the right direction ...viac o knihe
Demandez au Dalai-Lama s'il est heureux, il vous répondra - oui - sans hésiter, car le bonheur est selon lui le but de toute notre existence. C'est ce qu'il explique dans ...viac o knihe
In An Appeal to the World, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet illuminates the way to peace in our time, arguing for a form of universal ethics that goes beyond religion ...viac o knihe
The Dalai Lama is one of the most renowned and loved spiritual leaders in the world. This book is one of a series of bite-sized introductions that make his writing accessible ...viac o knihe