„Tři čarodějnice seděly tiše a uvědomovaly si, že jsou očarovány někým mocnějším…“
K uzoufání pokrytecké maloměsto Eastwick v americkém ...viac o knihe
Román Hľadaj moju tvár od Johna Updika vyšiel v roku 2002 a predstavuje slávneho amerického spisovateľa na vrchole tvorivých síl. Poučná, zábavná aj pikantná ...viac o knihe
Ahmad, potomok írsko-americkej matky a egyptského otca, ktorý od nich odišiel, keď mal jeho syn tri roky, je horlivým vyznávačom islámu. V osemnástich rokoch ...viac o knihe
Collected with a dozen wonderful stories, all set in classic Updike territory, the short novel 'RABBIT REMEMBERED' is a major work in its own right - a riveting return to ...viac o knihe
Joey Robinson visits the farm where he grew up and where his mother now lives. Accompanied by his newly acquired second wife, Peggy, and an eleven-year-old stepson, Joey ...viac o knihe
It's 1959 and Harry 'Rabbit' Angstrom, one time high school sports superstar, is going nowhere. At twenty-six he is trapped in a second-rate existence - stuck with a fragile ...viac o knihe
The air of Eastwick breeds witches - women whose powerful longings can stir up thunderstorms and fracture domestic peace. Jane, Alexandra and Sukie, divorced and dangerous ...viac o knihe
Concerns a month of seven days, a month of enforced rest and recreation as experienced by the Reverend Tom Marshfield, sent west from his Midwestern church in disgrace ...viac o knihe
When the three witches - now old, remarried and widowed - decide to go back to Eastwick to spend a summer together, many things have changed. Darryl Van Horne is gone. Their ...viac o knihe
Deals with one of America's issues - threat of Islamist terror from within. It also suggests ways in which we can counter it, in our words and our actions ...viac o knihe
In the small town of Pierce Junction adultery is the popular pastime and pillow talk the common currency. Martin knows the women he hasn't yet seduced hold his attention ...viac o knihe
Winner of the 1982 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
Ten years after RABBIT REDUX, Harry Angstrom has come to enjoy prosperity as the Chief Sales Representative of Springer ...viac o knihe