Poviedková zbierka Fikcie patrí k najslávnejším dielam argentínskeho spisovateľa a básnika Borgesa. Ide o prvé ucelené samostatné slovenské vydanie ...viac o knihe
Esejistické majstrovstvo tohto veľkého poviedkára sa tentoraz prezentuje v knihe prednášok o filozofických témach (Nesmrteľnosť, Čas), ale i o diele ...viac o knihe
One of the most remarkable artists of our age.' MARIO VARGAS LLOSA THE BOOK OF SAND was the last of Borges' major collections to be published. The stories are, in his words ...viac o knihe
Selected Poems brings together some two hundred poems - the largest collection of Borges' poetry ever assembled in English, including many never previously translated ...viac o knihe
Jorge Luis Borges's Labyrinths is a collection of short stories and essays showcasing one of Latin America's most influential and imaginative writers. This Penguin ...viac o knihe
Though best known in the English speaking world for his short fictions and poems, Borges is revered in Latin America equally as an immensely prolific and beguiling writer ...viac o knihe
Few readers will want, or be able, to resist this modern bestiary. Here you will find the familiar - Gryphons, Minotaurs and Unicorns - as well as the Monkey of the inkpot ...viac o knihe
Uno de los artistas contemporaneos mas memorables La deuda que tenemos contraida con el quienes escribimos en espanol es enorme . Mario Vargas Llosa Considerado uno de ...viac o knihe
The most popular anthology of Jorge Luis Borges's short stories, Fictions is a wildly original and influential collection of fantastic tales, translated from the Spanish ...viac o knihe
Borges' stories have a deceptively simple, almost laconic style. In maddeningly ingenious stories that play with the very form of the short story, Borges returns again ...viac o knihe
A collection of essays that discusses the existence (or non-existence) of Hell, the flaws in English literary detectives, the philosophy of contradictions, and the ...viac o knihe
Poviedková kniha Alef slávneho argentínskeho spisovateľa J. L. Borgesa, otca postmodernej fantastickej poviedky, je spolu so zbierkou Fikcie (Artforum 2018) ...viac o knihe