Iba dvadsaťtriročný fyzik Werner Heisenberg sa v júni roku 1925 kvôli sennej nádche utiahol na malý ostrov bez stromov v Severnom mori. Nikto nečakal, že sa ...viac o knihe
Jednoduché, zrozumiteľné a obdivuhodné. To je stručná charakteristika Rovelliho diela, ktoré bolo preložené do viac ako štyridsiatich jazykov. Keď autorovi ...viac o knihe
„O čase zvyčajne premýšľame ako o čomsi jednoduchom, základnom, čo plynie jednotvárne, nezávisle od všetkého sa posúva od minulosti k budúcnosti ...viac o knihe
Independent, Economist, Telegraph, Guardian, New Scientist, Evening Standard Books of the Year 2015, The Sunday Times Bestseller. Everything you need to know about ...viac o knihe
Time is a mystery that does not cease to puzzle us. Philosophers, artists and poets have long explored its meaning while scientists have found that its structure is different ...viac o knihe
Jedním z největších problémů moderní teoretické fyziky je kvantování gravitace, které se snaží propojit tři pilíře moderní fyziky: obecnou relativitu ...viac o knihe
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One of the most inspiring and counter-intuitive thinkers of our age, the bestselling author of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, transforms the way we think about the world ...viac o knihe
The new book from the bestselling author of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics and The Order of Time
One idea, more than any other, has transformed our understanding of the ...viac o knihe
CHOSEN AS A BOOK OF THE YEAR BY THE FINANCIAL TIMES AND NEW STATESMAN'A miniature masterpiece by one of the most entertaining scientists on the planet ... I would give this ...viac o knihe