A deeply moving and brilliantly idiosyncratic visual book of days by the National Book Award-winning author of Just Kids and M Train. More than 365 images chart Smith's ...viac o knihe
Volná féerie pětadvaceti svébytných prozaických textů jedné z legend světové moderní hudební scény druhé poloviny dvacátého století – zpěvačky ...viac o knihe
Patti Smith a qualifié ce livre de -carte de mon existence-. En dix-huit -stations-, elle nous entraîne dans un voyage qui traverse le paysage de ses aspirations et de ...viac o knihe
Winner of the 2010 Non-Fiction National Book Award Patti Smith's evocative, honest and moving coming-of-age story of her extraordinary relationship with the artist ...viac o knihe
Initially published in 1998, Patti Smith's Complete Lyrics was a testimony to her uncompromising poetic power. Now, on the fortieth anniversary of the release of Horses ...viac o knihe
Patti Smith und Robert Mapplethorpe waren noch -Kids-, als sie sich in New York schworen, Künstler zu werden. Ihre ekstatisch leuchtende und düster tragische Liebesgeschichte ...viac o knihe
Before the National Book Award-winning Just Kids, Patti Smith addressed the life and passing of her intimate friend, photographer Robert Mapplethorpe ...viac o knihe
C'est une histoire d'obsession qui anime Patti Smith. Une obsession créatrice, que l'on retrouve sous différentes formes dans cet ouvrage tres personnel. De passage ...viac o knihe
A deeply moving and brilliantly idiosyncratic visual book of days by the National Book Award-winning author of Just Kids and M Train. More than 365 images chart Smith's ...viac o knihe