Je jedinou zajímavostí na životě Františka Ferdinanda a hraběnky Žofie to, že byli zavražděni? Kdo byli ve skutečnosti? Potkali se, zamilovali, vzali navzdory ...viac o knihe
Film tie-in for the new 2017 film, which will be in theatres from September 8th. SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOVIE IN 2017 directed by Andres Muschietti and starring Bill Skarsgard ...viac o knihe
This novel (now complete in one volume) taps into what Stephen King does best: character-driven storytelling. The setting is the small -death house- of a Southern prison ...viac o knihe
This novel (now complete in one volume) taps into what Stephen King does best: character-driven storytelling. The setting is the small -death house- of a Southern prison ...viac o knihe
Song of Susannah continues directly from the almost literally cliff-hanging epilogue to Wolves of the Calla. -br- Meanwhile the penultimate instalment in the Dark Tower ...viac o knihe
The Dark Tower beckons Roland, the Last Gunslinger, and the four companions he has gathered along the road. -br-And, having narrowly escaped one world, they set out on ...viac o knihe
Clayton Blaze Blazedell Jr.'s chance for a normal life ended when his father repeatedly threw him down a flight of stairs. After finishing his adolescence in an orphanage ...viac o knihe
A collection of terrifying stories that reveal a shudderingly detailed map of the dark places that lie behind our waking, rational world. This is the horror of ordinary ...viac o knihe
Every marriage has two hearts, one light and one dark.Lisey knew it when she first fell for Scott. And now he's dead, she knows it for sure.-br- Lisey was the light to Scott ...viac o knihe
V ženskej väznici je toľko osudov, koľko je tam trestankýň. Každá má svoj žiaľ aj nádej. A jedna má tajomstvo, ktoré môže zmeniť dejiny ľudstva.
Medzitým ...viac o knihe
The No.1 bestselling author delivers an 'outstanding' (USA Today) collection of thrilling stories, introducing each one with a fascinating piece on when, where or how ...viac o knihe
Now in paperback, King's collection of four darkly riveting novellas which went straight to the top of the bestseller list in hardcover. Is it possible to fully know anyone? ...viac o knihe
K čemu skutečně došlo ráno 30. ledna 1889 v zasněženém loveckém zámečku?
Rudolf a Mary uvízli v osidlech nebezpečně rozehrané, smrtící partie a mnoho ...viac o knihe