Sense and Sensibility is the story of the two Dashwood sisters, who embody the conflict between the oppressive nature of -civilized- society and the human desire for romantic ...viac o knihe
Macmillan Readers v této pokročilosti můžete číst asi po dvou letech studia angličtiny, knihy mají 80 až 69 stran. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba ...viac o knihe
Knigi znamenitoj na ves mir anglijskoj pisatelnitsy Dzhejn Ostin uzhe davno sniskali sebe slavu i chitatelskuju ljubov. Peru Ostin prinadlezhat takie izjaschnye i ...viac o knihe
Tvorchestvo znamenitoy angliyskoy pisatel'nitsy Dzheyn Ostin, avtora izyashchnykh i ostroumnykh romanov «Gordost' i predubezhdeniye», «Mensfild-park» ...viac o knihe
Anne Elliot lives at the time of the Napoleonic wars, a time of accident, adventure, the making of new fortunes and alliances. A woman of no importance, she manoeuvres in ...viac o knihe
Im England des ausgehenden 18. Jahrhunderts steht die junge und schöne Elisabeth Bennet vor einer großen Lebensentscheidung: der Wahl eines geeigneten Heiratskandidaten ...viac o knihe
Anne Elliot, twenty-seven and still single, seems destined for spinsterhood. In her youth, she broke off an engagement to penniless Captain Wentworth at the insistence ...viac o knihe
Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, rich - and fiercely independent - is perfectly content with her life and sees no need for either love or marriage. Nothing, however ...viac o knihe
Emma is considered by many to be Austen's finest and most representative novel. The story of Emma Woodhouse's matchmaking, and her awakening to the true feelings of others ...viac o knihe
At twenty-seven, Anne Elliot is no longer young and has few romantic prospects. Eight years earlier, she had been persuaded by her friend Lady Russell to break off her engagement ...viac o knihe
Whether you dream of Mr Darcy or you're enamored by Elizabeth, write down all your thoughts and ideas in this wonderful notebook from the new Penguin Collection, based ...viac o knihe
Popis edice: Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, clever and rich. She
lives alone with her father, and spends a lot of her time thinking
about future husbands - for her friends ...viac o knihe
Elizabeth Bennet, the daughter of an English country gentleman, meets Mr Darcy, a rich man who owns land. At first, Elizabeth hates him and thinks he is proud, but slowly ...viac o knihe
Prehluší hlas srdca spoločenské predsudky?
Pred siedmimi rokmi zrušila Anne Elliotová zásnuby s kapitánom Frederickom Wentworthom. Podľahla tlaku okolia ...viac o knihe