A very simple non-fiction, lift-the-flap book for small children. It is packed with holes to peep through, flaps to look beneath and snippets of factual information ...viac o knihe
Peep into nests and inside burrows to see baby animals and where they live in this flap book for young children. A brilliant introduction to an amazing variety of animal ...viac o knihe
A gorgeous sticker book with beautifully decorated rooms just waiting to be filled with furniture and accessories. Children will have hours of fun arranging the house ...viac o knihe
Journey into the woods with Little Red Riding Hood, peeping through the trees, lifting flaps to see what's beneath things, and watching granny's cottage emerge with each ...viac o knihe
If you peep into the night sky and see the Moon and twinkling stars, you're peeping right out into space! Lift the flaps and peep through the holes in the pages to discover ...viac o knihe
Down in the jungle there's a chatter and a squawk. Is it the mummy tiger with her cubs? A bright-eyed tree frog? A bird of paradise or a honey bear having a midnight snack? Children ...viac o knihe
This simple non-fiction book for very young children is filled with facts about life in a castle. Little children can lift the flaps and peep through the holes in the pages ...viac o knihe
A charming, simple and beautifully illustrated lift-the-flap book for little children. Little fingers can lift the flaps in scenes of dark, quiet, sleepy night-time...and ...viac o knihe
A sunny garden hums, buzzes, creeps and crawls with life. Lift the flaps and peep through the delicate laser-cut holes to discover a whole host of butterflies, birds and ...viac o knihe
Peep Inside is the very young children's lift-the-flap information book series, the younger cousin of the Look Inside series which is, in turn, the younger relative of ...viac o knihe
Klasický pohádkový příběh nyní v půvabně ilustrované knížce s průhledy a otevíracími okénky. Díky průhledům v jednotlivých stránkách ti neunikne ...viac o knihe
Hladina moře se zdá klidná, pod ní ale bují život. Seznam se s nejrůznějšími podmořskými tvory: rybami, chobotnicí, krabem, žralokem, lachtany, dokonce ...viac o knihe
One magical Christmas night, a little girl's Nutcracker doll comes to life! Peep through the pages to follow their adventures in this enchanting book, with delicate cutaways ...viac o knihe
Peep Inside is the very young children's lift-the-flap information book series, the younger cousin of the Look Inside series which is, in turn, the younger relative of ...viac o knihe
Zvídavá veverka skáče z větve na větev, probíhá lesem a schovává si žaludy na tajném místě. Cestou potkává další obyvatele lesa. Ale kde jsou? Schovávají ...viac o knihe