'Atkinson on her finest form. A marvel of plate-spinning narrative knowhow, a peak performance of consummate control.' OBSERVER'This is the perfect novel for uncertain ...viac o knihe
1926, and in a country still recovering from the Great War, London has become the focus for a delirious new nightlife. In the clubs of Soho, peers of the realm rub shoulders ...viac o knihe
The first story collection from Kate Atkinson in twenty years, Normal Rules Don't Apply is a dazzling array of eleven interconnected tales from the bestselling author ...viac o knihe
Čo ak by sme mali možnosť žiť svoj život znovu a znovu, až kým nebudeme spokojní?
Počas snehovej fujavice v roku 1910 sa v Anglicku narodí dievčatko Ursula ...viac o knihe
Kate Atkinson’s dazzling Life After Life, the bestselling adult book this year to date in the UK, explored the possibility of infinite chances, as Ursula Todd lived ...viac o knihe
This is the winner of the Costa Novel Award. What if you had the chance to live your life again and again, until you finally got it right? During a snowstorm in England in 1910 ...viac o knihe
A God in Ruins relates the life of Teddy Todd – would-be poet, heroic World War II bomber pilot, husband, father, and grandfather ...viac o knihe
Pútavý, miestami láskavo komický a hlboko emocionálny pohľad na druhú svetovú vojnu a na dôsledky, ktoré doľahli nielen na tých, čo prežili, ale aj na ...viac o knihe
WINNER OF THE 2015 COSTA NOVEL AWARD. A God in Ruins relates the life of Teddy Todd - would-be poet, heroic World War II bomber pilot, husband, father, and grandfather - as ...viac o knihe
A day like any other for security chief Tracy Waterhouse, until she makes a shocking impulse purchase. That one moment of madness is all it takes for Tracy's humdrum world ...viac o knihe
Jackson Brodie, ex-army, ex-police, ex-private detective, is also an innocent bystander - until he becomes a murder suspect. As the body count mounts, each member of ...viac o knihe
In Edinburgh, sixteen-year-old Reggie, works as a nanny for a GP. But her employer has disappeared with her baby, and Reggie seems to be the only person who is worried. Across ...viac o knihe
Features a collection of short stories. This book explores the world we think we know whilst offering a vision of another world which lurks just beneath the surface of our ...viac o knihe
Chto, yesli u nas byla by vozmozhnost' prozhivat' etu zhizn' snova i snova, poka ne poluchitsya pravil'no?» V Lis'yey Polyane, metel'yu otrezannoy ot vneshnego mira ...viac o knihe