A panorama of the city, a public platform, a dysfunctional lookout, blocking the actual view but confronting the viewer with textual observations of the city and the condition ...viac o knihe
This publication i a consequence of Petra Feriancová's exhibition: Systems, Individuals and Measuring Tools at Sant Nicolau chapel, Bólit, centre d'art contemporani ...viac o knihe
This publication arises from the fourth collaboration with Květa Fulierová and it is entirely in her dramaturgy comprising of Květa's selection and systematization ...viac o knihe
Petra Feriancova, born in Bratislava (former czechoslovakia in 77), works with the intention of post-production. The key moment of her work is the conceptualisation ...viac o knihe
Naša cena knihy: 6,93 €
Ušetríte: 23 %
Zasielame do:
Posledných pár kusov na externom sklade
This catalogue is published on the occasion of the Werkstattpreis 2018, an award for sculptors, and Charlotte Mumm's solo-exhibition 'so oft so soft' at Kunststiftung ...viac o knihe
Naša cena knihy: 6,32 €
Ušetríte: 21 %
Zasielame do:
Posledných pár kusov na externom sklade
Spoločný publikačný projekt českých umelcov Terezy Kaburkovej a Mateja Smetany možno vnímať
ako umelecké dielo či ojekt, ktorého designérom je Petr ...viac o knihe
Kniha má cca 150 strán a možno ju vnímať ako umelecký objekt. Je súčasťou epického celku,
ktorý preberá a voľne interpretuje Linného taxonomický systém ...viac o knihe
We can say that Květas photographs are the basic element of Kollers work. Relentlessly and
readily, she documented most of their time spent together; the travels, the ...viac o knihe
Bird guide I a II, is a recherche and a collection of texts from classical mythology related to
concrete bird species, which artist's aunt, a professor of ornithology ...viac o knihe
AMO AMARE is dedicated to a romantic conceptualization of Kveta Fulierova in the work of one of our most prominent conceptual artists Julius Koller. Although Koller`s ...viac o knihe
This is the first volume in a series of books by Slovak artist Petra Feriancová involving the contemplation of associations between images drawn from the authors substantial ...viac o knihe
Knižka je súhrnom facebookových statusov Františka Ružičku počas jeho rekonvalescencie v
psychiatrickej liečebni v Bohunicích po pokuse o sebevraždu ...viac o knihe